LA Talks – Foodscapes

By Mustiafiz Al Mamun On 20 March 2024, #LA_Talks convened a dynamic event exploring the integration of #foodscapes into #landscape_architecture research, enriching the discourse on sustainable built environments. Esteemed presenters Jeroen Kruit and Fabiana Toni illuminated diverse perspectives and innovative research initiatives in the Landscape Architecture section, comprising LA staff and PhD candidates. Their insightful…

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Door klimaatverandering en verstedelijking staat het boezemsysteem onder druk. In de film DE BOEZEM VOOR HET VOETLICHT, een ode aan de boezem als eeuwenoud watersysteem en landschapselement, waarin verschillende experts hun visie op de boezem geven. Naast bijdragen van Yttje Feddes, Maarten Poort, Maarten Ouboter, Anne Loes Nillesen, Rene Zwan en Maartje Faasse ben ik,…

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Designing Green Cities lecture series

This lecture series offers designerly perspectives on greening cities and bridges theory and practice in landscape architecture, urban design, urban forestry and urban ecology. The series addresses the integrative and exploratory capacities of design through illuminating discourses that take the landscape as basis to create healthy, climate proof and socio-ecologically inclusive cities. Speakers from practice…

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