Designing Green Cities lecture series

This lecture series offers designerly perspectives on greening cities and bridges theory and practice in landscape architecture, urban design, urban forestry and urban ecology. The series addresses the integrative and exploratory capacities of design through illuminating discourses that take the landscape as basis to create healthy, climate proof and socio-ecologically inclusive cities. Speakers from practice…

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Adaptive Urban Transformation (AUT)

Territorial governance, spatial strategy and urban landscape dynamics in the Pearl River Delta This joint research project concerns planning and management for more resilient urban deltas, and in particular, adaptation of the dynamics of urban deltas to address increasing flood risk. The project evaluates innovative territorial governance as an approach to create spatial strategies that…

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Sustainable co-evolution of the natural and built environment along sandy shores This project aims to develop knowledge, tools and design principles for dynamic occupation of the land-sea interface, to enhance BwN-processes and exploit its potential for the spatial development of multi-functional coastal environments – shorescapes. The sandy, dune-aligned west coast of the Netherlands is employed…

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Mapping Landscape Spaces

Interpretation, Measurement, and Evaluation of Spatio-visual Characteristics in Landscape Design Mapping spatio-visual characteristics is important for understanding landscape spaces and crucial for landscape design. Therefore, developing design vocabulary and mapping methods, exploiting the capabilities of modern technology, to describe and interpret spatial and visual properties help spatial designers to achieve a better understanding of landscape…

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Adaptive African New Towns

An Alternative Approach for Urban Development in Low-Resource Settings New Towns in development across the African continent since 1990 are overwhelmingly designed and built according to urban planning models from the twentieth century. Although these typologies range from functionalist Chinese grids to American gated communities, the results are—with notable exceptions—New Towns with rigid physical infrastructure…

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Colloquium Exploring the Visual Landscape

22nd March 2012, Delft Welcome to the colloquium Exploring the Visual Landscape! Exploring the Visual Landscape aims to provide a platform for visual landscape research, an interdisciplinary approach that combines (1) landscape planning, design and management concepts, (2) landscape perception approaches, and (3) Geographic Information Science (GISc)-based methods and techniques. During this colloquium renowned scholars…

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